Sunday, April 21, 2013

That's No Moon, It's a Space Station

I just had a "discussion" with my son.  OK, I'm going to admit it  (to borrow a phrase from Rants from Mommyland) I lost my schmitt.  There MAY have been a bit of crankiness involved.

Here's where the frustration arose, Little Dude has the tendency to ask me the same questions over and over (and OVER) again.  He will finish his food and I will tell him to put his dishes by the sink.  "In the sink or by the sink?" he will ask.  "How many jellybeans can I have as a treat?" or "Do I need to brush my teeth?" or "Where should I put my shoes?"  The list goes on.

Tonight, I lost it.  I felt like he wasn't listening.

He ran to his room crying. 

When I finally got him to talk to me, he explained.  "I ask questions because I want to be absolutely certain what you want.  When you are piloting a ship to the moon, you need to make sure that your calculations are correct or you will slingshot into the moon or hit another spaceship."

That stopped me.

Aside from thinking that we watch WAAAAAAAY too much science fiction television and being amazed that he is only ten; he's right.  I'd rather have Little Dude be my pilot, any day, any time.

I've always been annoyed by the need of both my "boys" to be right.   It never occurred to me that his annoying need to check and recheck information wasn't a weakness in him, but just the way his brain works.  It will probably serve him well in his job as an adult.

I'm just going to have dig deep (really REALLY deep) into the stores of my patience.  Because for Little Dude, it IS Rocket Science.

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