Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving leftovers

Let me assure you ... I am in no way Martha Stewart. And yet, in spite of this, I have a turkey carcass and a pot of water simmering on my stove.

"Can I just tell you that they sell cans of this ... (as I wave vaguely toward the stove) at the grocery store."
"Yes," my husband responds. "But those are full of salt and all sorts of bad stuff. This is tastier, healthier and better for your diabetes."

And so here I am, at 9;30 at night, making stock. First of all I have to tell you that there are 13 ingredients in Martha Stewart's recipe. And what the heck is "chervil?" It sounds like something you say to your husband when he asks you to pick up his dry cleaning, "you bet, chervil"

There are times when I wonder if all this organic stuff will actually help my diabetes. My mother-in-law certainly believes that. She reads about anti-oxidents, vitamins, exercise, correct posture, 8 glasses of water, etc, etc, etc. And every article she reads in a magazine or on-line she cuts out and mails or forwards to me. It makes for a lot of reading about health. My health.

And I think, really? Does living have to be this complicated? Isn't it about moderation? Eating more good stuff than bad and getting up and moving once in a while?

This is something that I will ponder tonight as I drink a glass of water (not my eighth ... probably closer to my third) and wait until my stock has "simmered 3 1/2 to 4 hours on a low heat."

I'll letcha know if it really DOES taste better.

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