Did you know that this month is
National Caramel month
National Popcorn Poppin' month
National Dental Hygiene month
National Sarcastic Awareness month
It is also Peace, Friendship and Good Will Week. And in the interest of celebrating that I present the top 1o or so reasons Diabetes doesn't completely suck.
- I am completely unfazed by needles
- I get to eat yummy sugary items (like caramels) completely guilt-free when my blood sugar is low.
- I don't have to worry about profanity when I cut myself. My first words are not "s@*#" but "quick ... get me a test strip."
- I'm a walking carbohydrate fact book; I have that many carb/fiber/calorie counts memorized.
- I am a member of a growing group of total strangers who can meet and be chatting within seconds of meeting: Diabetics of the world, unite! Watch out world ... bwahahaha.
- Diabetes has made me more aware of my body and given me a better understanding of medicine. And I can amaze and astound total strangers with my creepy knowledge of medical terms.
- I have a handy excuse whenever I need one: "Oh, I'm sorry I can't (fill in the blank: eat, do, whatever) that because it would really interfere with my blood sugar control. All right, that one's a bit evasive but HEY, every advantage counts.
- The light on my pump is convenient as hell. Imagine walking around at night with a flashlight readily tethered to you!! I never need worry about tripping over legos in the middle of the night.
- I like that McDonalds, Applebees and many other restaurants are putting carb information on their menus. To the other restaurants I say, "get with the program here people."
- I think that my chronic condition has made me more aware and tolerant of others. We are all different and sometimes that's a good thing.
- I am cool with my sons because I look like I am part robot with my pump and CGS attached to me.
So get off your tushie, people and celebrate the wacky holiday of your choice. Happy Cap Lock Day to you all.

HAPPY CAP LOCK DAY TO YOU TOO.... I am thrilled you are coming up with happy thoughts about your diabetes... Love the robot option... You could be 7 of 9 .... That would be cool.. no wait I want to be her...(Love Jeri Ryan)
ReplyDeleteI so agree with the light on the insuline pump and the fact of "quick, give me a test strip!"
ReplyDeleteAnd the sweets!